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Notes on adding OpenTelemetry to an Elixir app
I wanted to get some telemetry data from a LiveView page.
Minimizing IOPS on Synology
I wanted to reduce noise and let my HDDs hibernate most of the time. Some Synology and Docker specific tips to reduce and validate IOPS.
FIT parsing and code generation in Elixir
Using macros to generate FIT profile.
Shell scripting with Elixir
Using Elixir instead of Python or Ruby for shell scripting.
Seamless navigation between SPA and LiveView
Example of extending a single page application with LiveView.
Taming Slack notifications and channels
Sometimes it just gets in a way. List of tweaks to make Slack less distracting.
Moonlander keyboard layers tour
~36 keys, 5 layers, colemak-dh, nvim, i3wm, tmux. It took me more than few revisions (100+) to get my Moonlander’s layout into a state where I’m happy with it.
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